Thursday, 27 June 2013

blind my mind and shut my ear to hear

good morning. actually this is midnight. anybody still wake up at this time? i get my insomnia again.. when i go to bed beyond 11 pm . ok i know, i won't sleep untill 3 am. idk why, maybe this is because my habit before or maybe my body loves midnight. what i have to do now? i dont want to listen muhammad thoha as my lulaby this time and idk why. a lot of idk word aka i dont know at here. why i cant sleep? idk.
as ussual when i get insomnia. turn my leptop. looking my money on agea. dear, this stuff make me crazy. i love this stuff and maybe i'll be serious at this. analyze indicator and fundamental, still learning. ow, 5 days ago i got news that there was an ipo at solo. sritex sell their stock. i learn it and maybe after i get a job as engineer. i'll buy their stock from my salary. one day. just plan, do it and keep dreaming.
what topic we will talk about? hm.. ok, i want to tell about my day.what i have been through. what? this morning maybe at 9 am i got sms from iksan, the leader of 2011 generation. he said that mr ilham want me as 2009 leader to come and join the meeting. what meeting? this is begin from ilegal event made by 2010 and supported by other generations. yep, ilegal event for 2012 generation. what is wrong from that? we didnt broke their leg. we didnt puch their skul or maybe point a gun on their face. we just want to know and maybe get closer with them. the problem is.. there is a civil war (perang saudara) at this case. idk, i cant understand what is goin on at my campus. as a leader of the biggest civil major's organisation. he must understand what his ppl want and take an act from that. the problem is, there is no a good communication between hms, generations and campus. i dont want debate about it or take it as a deep problem. my generation and other generation tried to care and share my good pov. but, i make a conclusion. ok, maybe this is enough. this my time to blind my mind and shut my ear to hear about this problem or the other things like this.maybe also about hms' problem. if they dont want to listen and make a good respons. why we have to care? he shut his ears from generations especially his generation. i and my ppl care because they are my young bro and young sist. idk what i want to say anymore. feel disappointed with this hms period right now. the leader cant get generations' mind especially his generation. i feel  angry when my young sist, eren crying after out of the mr sumbogo's room. why i have angry? because hms leader told campus about ilegal event first. and then, i still feel cant get closer with 2012 generation. idk why, i try to blend with them even their leader. but, there is still a hole make a distance. i cant laugh and close with him. idk why. maybe i know. but, idc aka i dont care. just wish all the best for my junior. idk what will happen with 2013 generation. i feel civil solidarity is fading. :) thx for 2007. i feel the advantage from ur ospek for us.

ok, that is enough. i dont need to fix my write. actually, i just want practice my english writting and i know there are still many mistake inside it.

nb: we will never build a bridge if every week we have to rebuild the foundation.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Kupas Tuntas Web Money

Ok, karena Liberty Reserve udah ditutup. cari beritanya sendiri aja dah kalo yg pgn tahu. sekarang merubah e-currency lainnya. sebut saja webmoney hampir sama dengan Liberty Reserve. butuh e-changer juga dari indonesia. sebut lagi saja indochanger . juga hampir sama kaya . Ini ada sedikit tutorial daftar WebMoney dari google yang aq copas aja. hhe..

Untuk melakukan pendaftaraan WebMoney tidak terlalu rumit, anda hanya memerlukan no hp yang aktif dan sebuah e-mail. Catatan* : Untuk pendaftaran, WebMoney tidak menggunakan sistem verifikasi credit card. Seperti halnya Paypal.

Ok, cukup penjelasan tentang WebMoney. Sekarang untuk Cara Daftar WebMoney bisa anda ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini..

Langkah-Langkah Daftar WebMoney :

1. Klik link berikut ini
2. Klik tombol "Sign Up Now" (Gambar 2)

3. Tulis no. handphone anda (pastikan no. handphone yang masih aktif), dengan format diawali kode negara Indonesia (+62). Klik "Proceed" . contoh kalo no hape situ adalah 0853200999xx. waktu nulis jadi +62853200999xx (Gambar 3)

4. Isi formulir pendaftaraan lengkap sesuai data diri anda, dengan keterangan gambar dibawah ini.
(Gambar 4.1, Gambar 4.2)

 Gambar 4.2

5. Akan muncul halaman yang berisi data diri anda, check & pastikan semua data sudah benar. Jika sudah benar klik "Proceed". (Gambar 5)

6. Buka tab baru pada browser anda dan check inbox email yang telah anda daftarkan, akan ada email dari WebMoney yang berisikan kode verifikasi anda. Copy kode verifikasi tersebut.

7. Paste kode verifikasi tersebut pada form yang telah disediakan. Klik "Proceed".
(Gambar 7)

8. WebMoney akan mengirim sebuah SMS berisi kode verifikasi ke no handphone yang anda gunakan mendaftar

9. Masukkan kode verifikasi yang dikirim via sms kedalam form yang telah disediakan. Klik "Proceed".
(Gambar 9)

10. Lengkapi data registrasi anda, setting password untuk anda login nantinya. Klik "OK".
nah, karena tujuan penjelasan webmoney ini untuk trading di forex (Agea) maka dari itu qt perlu buat purse atau dompet dengan mata uang pilihan qt. ambil normalnya aja dalam mata uang dollar

11. Buat WebMoney Purse anda dengan cara klik "click to add" di bagian bawah kolom Purse.
(Gambar 11)

12. Pada pilihan "Currency :", pilih "WMZ - equivalent USD" dengan tujuan, uang yang tersimpan di webmoney anda dalam bentuk US Dollar. Lalu beri centang pada agreement dan klik "Create".

13. Pendaftaraan selesai. Catat dan simpan no. rekening webmoney anda, yang nantinya akan anda gunakan dalam bertransaksi. (Gambar 13)

No rekening webmoney itulah yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk withdraw atau deposit di Agea.

Itu aja dulu. hbs itu ntr aq coba nulis soal soal indochanger . lebih tepatnya nyari bahan dan dikemas lagi biar friendly reading. emang inti sebenere mo ngapain tulisan ginian? cuma share aja soal forex broker agea yg udh jadi sponsor travelling, dll. ini baru tahap awal penjelasan soal forex. ada 4 hal yang perlu dimengerti / dimiliki kalo mau maen forexbuat aq, a.l :
1. akun broker, ex: Agea , instaforex, metatrader, dll byk bgt . ( ane pake Agea, sejak namane msh marketiva )
2. akun Liberty Reserve / webmoney / e-dinnar  / skrill. pilih salah satu aja. ( ane pake WebMoney. g berbelit, g butuh kartu kredit, dan aman. sebelume pake Liberty Reserve. tp udah ditutup tu web)
3. akun indochanger buat ngonversi uang qt dari dolar ke rupiah masuk rekening qt
4. Rekening Bank. bisa Mandiri, bisa BCA. pilih aja sendiri. setauq cm Mandiri sama BCA aja. ( ane pake Mandiri )

udah sekian dulu postingannya. ntr aja kl nganggur lg br sharing2 lg soal beginian. suwun..
wassalamuallaikum wr.wb

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

kenapa ingin telusuri tapak lelahmu
kenapa ingin mencari semerbakmu
kawan, lawan atau karib
semua sama saling seragam menyudutkan sepi

menggais pembelaan
memohon pembenaran
telah dilakukan, sedang dilakukan, akan dilakukan
telah diperjuangkan, sedang dilakukan, akan diperjuangkan
antara harap, realita dan omong kosong
hampir sejajar sama rasa

belum cukup bekal diri
belum cukup kekal iman ini

apa yang membuat langkah ini begitu kuat menapak
apa atau siapa

Kalimati, Semeru
12 Mei 2013